20 research outputs found

    Exploring the acoustics of ancient open-air theatres

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    The theatres of Antiquity, Greek and Roman, constitute public buildings of the utmost importance inthe history of Western culture and in universal cultural heritage. Many of these spaces are being used fortheir original function with or without only minor adaptations. If they are well preserved and/or restored,these performance buildings attract large audiences to representations of classical and contemporary plays,thereby serving the purpose for which they were built in the Ancient Age. These theatres bear witnessto the existing relationship between architectural work, visual and acoustic experience, and dramatic art.Although the majority are located in the Mediterranean region, these structures were also built in themajor cities of the ancient world in Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa, and beyond. This paper aimsto summarise and critically review research published in the literature regarding their acoustic aspects,with particular emphasis on Roman theatres. These pieces of research emphasize the importance of thediffraction of sound in the tiers of thecaveaand the good intelligibility for speech of the Greco-Romantheatre

    A Unified Multibit PUF and TRNG based on Ring Oscillators for Secure IoT Devices

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    Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) are cryptographic primitives very well suited for secure IoT devices. This paper proposes a circuit, named multibit-RO-PUF-TRNG, which offers the advantages of unifying PUF and TRNG in the same design. It is based on counting the oscillations of pairs of ring oscillators (ROs), one of them acting as reference. Once the counter of the reference oscillator reaches a fixed value, the count value of the other RO is employed to provide the TRNG and the multibit PUF response. A mathematical model is presented that supports not only the circuit foundations but also a novel and simple calibration procedure that allows optimizing the selection of the design parameters. Experimental results are illustrated with large datasets from two families of FPGAs with different process nodes (90 nm and 28 nm). These results confirm that the proposed calibration provides TRNG and PUF responses with high quality. The raw TRNG bits do not need post-processing and the PUF bits (even 6 bits per RO) show very small aliasing. In the application context of obfuscating and reconstructing secrets generated by the TRNG, the multibit PUF response, together with the proposal of using error-correcting codes and RO selection adapted to each bit, provide savings of at least 79.38% of the ROs compared to using a unibit PUF without RO selection. The proposal has been implemented as an APB peripheral of a VexRiscv RV32I core to illustrate its use in a secure FPGA-based IoT device

    Virtual acoustics of the roman theatre of Italica

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    Classic outdoor theatres have special significance in the universal, cultural and architectural her-itage. These scenic environments have undergone acoustic research in ERATO European project with basic purposes of recreation of associated intangible heritage and for their adaptation to contemporary cultural performances. In this work, the Roman theatre of the archaeological site of Italica (Seville) is studied by means of acoustic simulation, which responds to the classical scheme: cavea, orchestra, scenae, four-sided portico, and a capacity for 3,000 spectators. Throughout this paper, the creation process, adjustment, and validation of the 3D model of the theatre for simulating its sound field is analysed, which is based on the experimental measure-ment of reverberation time. The initial model, once validated, is modified to assess the acoustic impact of various proposed interventions.Los teatros cl谩sicos al aire libre tienen muy especial significaci贸n en el patrimonio arquitect贸nico y cultural universal. Estos entornos esc茅nicos han sido objeto de investigaci贸n ac煤stica en el proyecto europeo ERATO, con fines b谩sicos de recreaci贸n del patrimonio inmaterial asociado y para su adaptaci贸n a espect谩culos culturales contempor谩neos. En este trabajo se estudia me-diante simulaci贸n ac煤stica el teatro romano del conjunto arqueol贸gico de It谩lica (Sevilla), el cual responde al esquema cl谩sico: cavea, orchestra, scenae, p贸rtico de cuatro lados, y un aforo para 3.000 espectadores. A lo largo de la comunicaci贸n se analiza el proceso de creaci贸n, ajuste y validaci贸n del modelo 3D del teatro para la simulaci贸n de su campo sonoro, apoyado en los ensayos experimentales del tiempo de reverberaci贸n. Una vez validado, el modelo inicial se ha modificado con objeto de evaluar el impacto ac煤stico de varias intervenciones propuestas

    Virtual acoustic reconstruction of the Roman Theatre of Palmyra

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    In this paper, the creation process, adjustment, and validation of the 3D model of the Roman theatre of the monumental Syrian city of Palmyra is analysed in order to simulate its sound field. Given the impossibility of carrying out on-site measurements, the acoustic simulation is based on a 3D model made from photogrammetry, blueprints, and photographs obtained from the web and from the previous studies of the group on the Roman theatres of Italica (Seville, Spain) and Re-gina Turdulorum (Badajoz, Spain). Due to the special shape of the cross-section of the cavea of this theatre, a study has been carried out on the influence of the dispersion of reflected sound in the objective acoustic parametersEn esta comunicaci贸n se analiza el proceso de creaci贸n, ajuste y validaci贸n del modelo 3D del teatro romano de la ciudad monumental siria de Palmira para simular su campo sonoro. Dada la imposibilidad de realizar medidas in situ, la simulaci贸n ac煤stica est谩 basada en un modelo 3D realizado a partir de fotogrametr铆a, planimetr铆a y fotograf铆as obtenidas de la web y en los trabajos anteriores del grupo sobre los teatros romanos de It谩lica (Sevilla, Espa帽a) y Regina Turdulorum (Badajoz, Espa帽a). Debido a la especial forma de la secci贸n de la cavea de este teatro, se ha realizado un estudio de la influencia de la dispersi贸n del sonido reflejado en los par谩metros ac煤sticos objetivo

    Acoustic reconstruction of the roman Theatre of Cadiz

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    The Roman Theatre of Cadiz, commissioned by Lucio Cornelio Balbo the Younger, was built in the 1st century BC. Since its discovery in 1980, excavations have enabled the recovery of a major part of the cavea (ima and media) and of the proedria, as well as the orchestra and an annular distribution gallery. Its construction date and its 120-metre diameter make it the oldest and the second-largest Roman theatre in the Iberian Peninsula, with an estimated capacity of more than 10,000 spectators. In this paper, the creation process, adjustment, and validation of the 3D model of the theatre is analysed to simulate its sound fiel

    Unreported leaks location using pressure and flow sensitivity in water distribution networks

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    Water distribution systems are made up of many interdependent elements that enable water supply to meet a demand that is variable in time and space. One of the main concerns for utility managers is quickly locating and repairing a leak after detection, during regular network water balance. This paper presents a two-stage methodology for locating a leak that is based on the hydraulic model of the network, and, particularly, on the conservation equations that govern network behaviour. In the first stage, the sensitivity of each element (nodes and pipes) is obtained for a given demand increase in any node. In the second stage, that sensitivity is combined with additional real data provided by the (possibly) existing pressure sensors and flowmeters installed throughout the network. As a final result, the system of equations thus obtained produces the theoretical leak flow at each network node that matches the network conditions. A subsequent analysis of the leak flows obtained highlights the node or nodes in which the leak is occurring. The presented methodology is applied and assessed in a case study

    Virtual acoustics of the roman theatre of Regina Turdulorum

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    Plinius ascribes the town of Regina (Casas de Reina, Badajoz) to the old region of Beturia under the rule of the district of Corduba. Its Roman theatre is almost perfect according to the canon rules and has been kept in an excellent state, both in its tiers and in its stage. In this work, the theatre is studied by means of acoustic simulation, which responds to the classical schema: cavea, orchestra, scenae, and a capacity of up to 1,000 spectators. Throughout this paper, an analysis is performed on the creation, adjustment, and validation process of the 3D model of the theatre for the simulation of its sound field, which is based on the experimental measurement of reverberation time. Once validated, the initial model is modified in order to assess the acoustic impact of various proposed interventions.Plinio adscribe la ciudad de Regina (Casas de Reina, Badajoz) a la antigua regi贸n de la Beturiabajo la autoridad del convento jur铆dico de Corduba. Su teatro es casi can贸nico y se conserva en excelente estado, tanto en gradas como en el frente esc茅nico. En este trabajo el teatro se estudia mediante simulaci贸n ac煤stica el cual responde al esquema cl谩sico: cavea, orchestra, scenae, y un aforo de hasta 1000 espectadores. A lo largo de la comunicaci贸n se analiza el proceso de creaci贸n, ajuste y validaci贸n del modelo 3D del teatro para la simulaci贸n de su campo sonoro, apoyado en los ensayos experimentales del tiempo de reverberaci贸n. Una vez validado, el modelo inicial se ha modificado con objeto de evaluar el impacto ac煤stico de varias intervenciones propuestas

    Measurement and analysis of the acoustics of the Roman theatre of Segobriga (Spain)

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    Segobriga (Cuenca) was the capital of the Celtiberia region. The specular gypsum of its mines, used as glass in windows, was exported across the whole Empire through the port of Cartago Nova (Cartagena). Its Roman theatre has one of the best conserved cavea of Hispania, although there is no scaenae frons. Its construction dates back to the year 79 A.D. In this work, experimental results and analysis are presented of impulse responses and of the values of the monaural and binaural acoustic parameters recorded in situ. These results correspond to the source-receiver combinations of three positions of the source, located in the proscaenium(2), and in the orchestra (1), and of 19 reception points, distributed across the cavea, the proedria, and the proscaenium. This theatre features as part of one of the study cases of a research project that aims to evaluate and revalue the acoustics of the principal Roman theatres of Spain

    Characteristic function of impulse responses in churches

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    The tool presented enables the sound behaviour of a room to be objectified on the basis of the representation of the characteristic function (CF) of said room.In this paper, we study characteristic functions, defined from the impulsive responses measured at different points in the room, that are obtained in churchesand cathedrals. These CFs show a variation that correlates with the distance from the point of measurement and the source. An analysis is carried out on the relationship between this variation with those acoustic parameters that depend on the distance to the source: C50, C80,and G. In addition, the differentiating features between these types of spaces are shown,therebyallowing the characteristic function to offer an overall assessment of the room, which in turnenables the classification of similar sound space

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Econ贸mica A帽o XIV Invierno 1996 n. 1 pp. 241-297]

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    Editada en la Fundaci贸n Empresa P煤blicaJordi Nadal y Jordi Catal谩n (eds.). La cara oculta de la industrializaci贸n espa帽ola. La modernizaci贸n de los sectores no l铆deres {siglos XIX y XX) (Por Miguel Martorell Linares).-- Blanca S谩nchez Alonso. Las causas de la emigraci贸n espa帽ola, 1880-1910 (Por Alan M. Taylor).-- Pedro Tedde de Lorca y Carlos Marichal (coords.). La formaci贸n de los bancos centrales en Espa帽a y Am茅rica Latina (Por Antonio Cubel).-- Josef M. Benaul, Jordi Calvei y Esteve Deu; Ind煤stria i ciutat. Sabadell 1800-1980 (Por Jos茅 Antonio Miranda Encarnaci贸n).-- Carlos Arenas Posadas (ed.). Industria y clases trabajadoras en la Sevilla del siglo XX (Por Ricardo M. Mart铆n de la Guardia).-- Pegerto Saavedra. La vida cotidiana en la Galicia del Antiguo R茅gimen (Por Amparo Bejarano Rubio).-- Mauro Hern谩ndez Ben铆tez. A la sombra de la Corona. Poder local y oligarqu铆a urbana (Por Miguel 脕ngel Mel贸n Jim茅nez).-- Carmen Saras煤a. Criados, nodrizas y amos. El servicio dom茅stico en la formaci贸n del mercado de trabajo madrile帽o, 1758-1868 (Por Esmeralda Ballesteros Doncel).-- Hilario Rodr铆guez de Gracia. Vivir y morir en Montilla. Actitudes econ贸micas y sociales en el siglo XVII (Por Carlos Larrinaga Rodr铆guez).-- Enrioque Diez Sanz. La Tierra de Soria. Un universo campesino en la Castilla oriental del siglo xvi (Por Alfonso Rodr铆guez Grajera).-- Josep Bernabeu Mestre. Enfermedad y poblaci贸n. Introducci贸n a los problemas y m茅todos de la epidemiolog铆a hist贸rica (Por Abel F. Losada Alvarez).-- Herbert Klein. The American Finances of the Spanish Empire: Royal Income and Expenditures in M茅xico, Per煤 and Charcas, 1680-1809 (Por Carlos Marichal).-- Marcello Carmagnani. Estado y Mercado. La econom铆a p煤blica del liberalismo mexicano, 1850-1911 (Por Juan Carlos Sola Corbacho).-- Walther L. Bernecker. De agiotistas y empresarios. Entorno de la temprana industrializaci贸n mexicana (siglo XIX) (Por Juan Carlos Sola Corbacho).-- P. Scholliers y Vera Zamagni (eds.). Labour's Reward. Real Wages and Economic Change in 19th-and 29th-century Europe (Por Guillermo A. P茅rez S谩nchez).-- Pier Angelo Toninelli. Nascita de una nazione. Lo sviluppo econ贸mico degli Stati Uniti (1780-1914) (Por Gabriel Tortella Casares)Publicad